The Things We Think and Do Not Say
So we needed a video cut to kick off our youtube channel - which should have better content in the future (or not...we'll see) but we also needed to see what it'll look like on our webstore cause the designer included a slot to put in videos. It probably won't stay up but I wanted to see what it looked like - so I started editing a quick video of some clips I shot on my gopro a few months ago

and I realized the footage and the content quality of the video sort of sucked. I mean there's no real direction whatsoever, just us riding around our usual spots around the city. Then I heard the voices of all the cycling fuccbois out there saying "this video sucks, I'd rather spend $120 on a Rapha/Palace Bidon than this Jacket from who knows and who cares." Then after stressing about it for a few minutes I got to a profound point of IDGAF like Jerry Maguire when he wrote his memo (mission statement) and just uploaded the video on to the channel. What brought on this sudden moment of clarity? Cause I realized it's just not why we started this company. It's not about clout chasing or building a public perception of "oh shiiiiiit these guys are siiiiiiick." It's just not what cycling is about for me and all the guys we ride with (shout out to El Centro).

I've been in the streetwear and skate apparel industry in Los Angeles for 20 years now and I saw it go from Ecko, Rocawear and Jay Z to Bathing Ape, LRG etc. all the way through the humble beginnings of The Hundreds and the rise of Supreme - to whatever it is now. It really is a shame what the internet and social media has done to the culture. Mainly cause in that short period of time only the ones that really cared, knew what it was. Outside of that nobody gave a shit and it was the way we preferred it. At least for me it was cause it wasn't about who was wearing it, but why - and when you spotted someone else in an Adam Bomb Tee on Melrose you gave each other a quick nod to say what's up cause both of you know you read Bobby's blog. Today it's about rappers, influencers, bots and whoever could afford it and you're more likely to get shot on Melrose now than a nod.
But cycling as a sport and culture is different, and I think it'll stay different.
Only because cycling in general is just not as appealing to most. I mean c'mon, we all know it's damn near impossible to try and get uninterested people on a bike - and when they do have some interest, after they hit that first 10% grade they look at you like they're never trusting you again let alone touch a bike again. But for us when you see a guy on a Riv - you care. Outside of a pretty small circle within the general population nobody gives a shit you have Purple Paul Skewers on your wheels - but we care, and we will always nod. Why? Cause it's sick. Our bikes are an extension of our style, character, appreciation for quality, history and Blue Lug. I doubt rappers, influencers, or bots will ever influence anyone with this. I mean you see LeBron, Reggie Miller, Tyler the Creator, and even Wiz Khalifa on bikes - I doubt they influenced anyone to go out and buy a bike and actually ride it.
It's one of the reasons why I love Crust Bikes so much getting guys like Ryan and Scuba Steve as fans and involved with the company, and getting riders like Louie Lopez out to do Midsouth - and still keeping it fun and unpretentious. I'll never forget getting to the top of Mt. Wilson DFL at the LA Invitational and seeing Cheech still waiting there to throw a straight up rave for me. Also I think it's cause she heard I was on a Crust but still, that shit was heartfelt. I also have to give a shout out to Kyle at Golden Saddle cause if anyone in cycling were to get boujie and too cool for school it would've been Kyle, but he's still the same from when I bought my first saddle roll from him back in 2012. Anytime we walk in there it's always a nod and a compliment on our "siiiick ass bikes!" - Not once has he not showed love and reposted a tag on IG - I mean what's that about anyway with some of these dudes that don't do a simple repost of a tag?

(the day we shot the aforementioned video)
Anyway going back to this video and the moment of "IDGAF about fuccbois" clarity. I hope we can remember this for the future of this company (and when I say "we" I mean me). It would be lame to see cycling go the way of hypebeasts and about anything other than fun. To quote the late great Dicky Fox "the key to this business is personal relationships" - and that's what cycling is for me. It's the shared adventures with friends. Soaking in views together that only a few have earned. Getting stoked to see a friend try a new color bartape. To be totally honest, this business venture was an elaborate excuse for more time spent on a bike with friends. This video lacks the production value you'll see elsewhere but it sums up a few things about us - where we like to ride, the bikes we geek out on, and who we are. We obviously don't have that Walmart money, so who you see in this short video is just us. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to subscribe and smash that like button.